Unlike wrap and front carriers, our ring slings are easy and quick to put on and with one hand. That means you don’t need an extra set of hands to tie ties or buckle buckles. Nalakai Slings are perfect for mommas and poppas on the go, and for families with multiple kiddos.
Linen is a natural woven fabric made from the flax plant. Flax fibers are durable and when woven into Linen become extremely strong. Known to be the world’s strongest natural fiber, linen lasts a very long time and will never stretch or lose its shape. This makes it the perfect material for a baby carrier. New Linen has a slight crispiness to it, but after a few washes it becomes smooth and soft.
Linen is highly recommended for children and adults due to its non-allergic features and great microclimate for skin. Linen is amazingly suitable for hot summer climates because of its cooling and refreshing effect.
On the other hand, it has a warming effect in winter. Flax absorbs sudden temperature changes and has outstanding moisture absorbance. Linen also reduces radiation impact by half and protects from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
We love the way it pairs perfectly with the more solid, crisp linen, contributing stretch and moldability for the perfect fit!